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School Introduction – Free Version of PPT Presentation

free school presentation

Presentation for School is free version of our PPT presentation template prepared for those people who want to introduce their school at various forums. Following ppt slides are included in School template:

1) Welcome slide:

This is first slide of the presentation and aims to welcome the audience.

2) School name and presentation title

3) Introduction of speaker

4) Outline:

This slide tells the audience which topics will be discussed in the presentation.

5) School introduction:

Here, you will replace dummy text by the information about establishment of school.

6) Enrollment:

Here, a graph between number of students and years is given.

7) Facilities:

In this section, the speaker will tell the audience about the facilities the school is offering to the students.

8) Fee Structure:

Here, the speaker will tell the audience about class wise fee structure of the school.

9) Problems People are Facing:

Here, you will talk about school related problems people are facing.

10) How do You Resolve those Problems?

Here, you will replace dummy text by the strategies your school has adopted to resolve the above-mentioned problems.

11) Summary:

Edit this ppt slide to give summary of whole discussion about school.

20) Questions:

Here, you will ask your audience to raise question if they have in their minds.

21) Info Desk:

Edit this slide to give names and contact numbers of the staff members who can help the people.

22) Thank You…

This is last ppt slide of your school presentation.


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