Business Presentation for Customers – Free Version

free business presentation for customers

This is free version of our PowerPoint presentation prepared for those people who want to provide details of their business to the customers. Following slides are included in this presentation:

1) Welcome slide:

This is first slide of the presentation and aims to welcome the audience.

2) Company name and presentation title

3) Introduction of speaker

4) Outline:

This slide tells the audience which topics will be discussed in the presentation.

5) What we do?

In this section, services offered by the company are discussed. There are four slides in this section.

6) Our Past:

Past development of the company is discussed in this slide.

7) Where we Stand Now?

In this slide, current position of the company as compared to other companies is given.

8) Our Future Plan:

In this section, services to be offered by the company in future would be discussed. There are six slides in this section.

9) Problems People are Facing:

Six slides are there in this section.

10) How we Resolve Them?

In this section, solutions of the problems offered by the company would be given. There are six slides in this section.

11) Impacts of Our Solutions:

Benefits gained by the people through our company have been discussed in this section. There are four slides in this section.

12) Our Clients:

There are four slides in this section.

13) Client Trust:

Increase in number of clients would be discussed in this slide.

14) Comparison:

Comparison with competitors would be discussed in this slide.

15) Summary:

Edit this slide to give summary of whole presentation.

16) Your Questions:

Here, you will ask your audience to raise question if they have in their minds.

17) Info Desk:

In this slide, contact number of company representatives would be displayed.

18) Thank You…

This is last slide of your presentation.


  • For preview of this presentation, click here.
  • For free downloading .pptx file of this presentation, click here.
  • For premium business presentations, click here.

For premium real estate presentations, click here.


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